Investor Relations

Investor Relations

Asseco Business Solutions

Asseco Business Solutions

54.40 PLN Price
0.00 PLN Change
0.00 % Percentage change

Basic information
about Asseco Business Solutions S.A.

  • Name Asseco Business Solutions S.A.
  • Short name Asseco BS
  • Listing market regulated market, continuous trading
  • Industry sector IT
  • Segment Segment 50 Plus
  • Indexes that include the company's shares,o_firmie.html
  • Joining the Liquidity Support Program September 22, 2008
  • Address Konrada Wallenroda St. 4c, 20-607 Lublin
  • Telephone +48 81 535 30 00
  • Fax +48 81 535 30 05
  • Website
  • E-mail
  • CEO Wojciech Barczentewicz
  • Auditor Ernst & Young Audyt Polska spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością spółka komandytowa
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We are part of the international Asseco Group

We are part of the international Asseco Group which has been working
to bring technology, business, and life together for 30 years.
Asseco’s innovative solutions support over 100,000 companies
and organisations around the world in running and growing their businesses.

Asseco Group in 2023:

16,9 mld
revenues [PLN]
1,6 mld
revenues [PLN]