ERP software for business

Why Asseco Business Solutions?

There is no point in being too modest. We just have a lot to be proud of! Find out how you can benefit by deploying our enterprise software!
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 in cloud
We are fascinated by artificial intelligence and new technologies
The value behind AI depends on how it is employed. We believe that the application of the latest technology in enterprise software can be immensely rewarding.

We are constantly developing the existing and seeking new applications of AI in such business domains as, finance and accounting, personnel and payroll, HR, sales, logistics, and warehouse management.
Machine learning in debt collection
We deploy machine learning algorithms in the collection module available in our finance and accounting solution. Based on uploaded data, our AI predicts which invoices will be paid by contractors on time, and which will be delayed and how long.

Consequently, debt collection activities can be initiated in advance and help maintain financial liquidity.
Application interfaces that will understand you
We use artificial intelligence to enable our systems’ users to customise interfaces and work comfortably and efficiently.

Based on the data about user’s actions in the application, the algorithm suggests the optimal configuration of interface elements, which the user can approve, reject, or modify.
This is your ERP Assistant. What can I do for you?
Our systems are equipped with AI Assistant  with whom the user can freely communicate to source any necessary information.

For example, they can enquire about the limit of available days off and request a holiday application. In this example, AI Assistant will provide a response and display a form to submit the application. You will be able to perform your planned action without having to go through the system menu.
Partner in business
A trustworthy vendor
We are a robust and predictable enterprise focused on product development and Clients’ benefits. Our strength is competent personnel and many years of experience in working with businesses of all sizes and from multiple industries. That is why we can supply a wide range of products and services as well as providing full technical and expert support.
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See why you can trust u


Business partner

We are a sound, publicly listed company with legacy and experience. When we join forces, you do not have to be concerned about your future.

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Investment in the future

We invest our capital and experience in product development, technology, and people, the latter being our greatest asset.

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ERP Leaders


We are in the vanguard of ERP software vendors in Poland, and we are fully aware that this position obliges.

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Knowledge and experience

Throughout the years of our presence on the IT market, we have gathered impressive business know-how and industry experience. Not only are we able to implement an IT system, but we can also suggest improvements for your company.

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Implementers’ experience, technical know-how

Our employees possess experience and expertise. Some design system architectures, others manage technical nuances, and still others care about the usability, look-and-feel, security, and efficiency of our solutions.

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Extensive offering

Our enterprise combines the potential and experience of several companies. Different legacies of our predecessors and our shared present-day effort allow us to design such products and services that will satisfy micro, small, medium, and large businesses from many industries.

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Continued development

We work daily to improve the capabilities of our systems. We also keep pace with novelties in IT technologies to offer our Clients modern and secure enterprise solutions.

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Compliant applications

Our experts keep a close watch on how the legal and fiscal regulations in the country change and evolve to make sure that our products are always up to date and compliant with new legislation.

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Stronger together

We work with the suppliers of warehouse automation systems, e-payment platforms, or e-signature solutions. Our systems are always compatible with other tools used by our Clients.

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ERP Leaders
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Outstanding systems
Modern enterprise software
The quality of our enterprise software comes first: we take them to the next future level. We design systems to best meet business needs; we embrace the latest technologies and introduce AI solutions to develop tomorrow’s systems today.
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What makes our software stand out?

New Approach

Modern ERP

We leave the competition behind, as we do the traditional approach to ERP systems. Our systems do not only collect and process data and facilitate business processes, but they also embrace innovative AI algorithms.

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ERPs in the cloud

Our cloud-enabled ERPs prove efficient in modern mobile business. We offer our Clients stable and convenient work in the system while taking care of infrastructure, data security, updates, or performance: all those tailored to Client’s needs.

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Artificial intelligence

The AI algorithms embedded in our systems analyse data, evaluate it according to specific criteria, identify trends and, by extension, provide insights, i.e. alerts, suggestions, and action proposals.

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Top quality

We keep refining our software in every respect. We ensure that the wide functional capacity of our systems proves efficient thanks to the employed technology. We also prioritise the accessibility and ease of use of the systems and pay great attention to the smallest details of their transparent dashboards.

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Modular #erpforbusiness

Our ERP systems are built of independent modules that correspond to specific business areas. As a result, the Client may compose a solution that will best fit their corporate needs, even starting to operate the software with a single module. The modules share a single database. This means that you do not have to re-enter previously collected data when implementing another module as your business needs grow.

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Make a good start

The standard versions of ERP modules have certain built-in basic business processes that can be configured in subsequent implementation stages. As a result, getting started with the system is faster, more cost-effective, and does not interfere with the company’s work.

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ERP customisation

We have designed our solutions for greatest possible flexibility and customisation capabilities to meet any Clients’ needs. Even the most advanced modifications still allow for trouble-free updates and maintenance.

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Business Size

#erpforbusiness of any size…

Our broad offering features product lines adjusted to the size of your company. Whether your company employs one person or several thousand people, we have the right system for you.

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…of any industry

We have implemented our systems in many industries. Having gathered impressive experience, we know how companies work and are in a position to dovetail our solutions with their different needs and requirements.

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Flexible model

Instead of imposing read-made solutions on our Client, we hear and respect their needs. That is why we have made our products available both on cloud and in the on-premise model.

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Legal updates

We keep our systems up to date to allow for the requirements of changing laws. We always stay abreast with current legal regulations, so do our products and our Clients.

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Secure company

The users of our solutions can be sure that they work securely. We also attach much attention to the quality of security of integration with external systems, such as e-payment platforms or e-signature solutions.

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Remote Work

Working off-site

Our cloud-enabled ERP systems enable secure and convenient work both on- and off-site, as in the case of dispersed or multi-branch organisations.

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New Approach
Business Size
Remote Work

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End user is important
We are attentive to the needs of our Client who run businesses of various sizes and in many economy sectors. Without their activity, the use of our systems would not make sense, so we strive to provide high functionality that can be handled easily. We approach implementation projects professionally and with great respect for our contractors because there are people behind every business.
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We know business contexts


Diverse clients

We deliver our IT solutions to users in various geographies, businesses, and industries. With each completed implementation, we learn and gain new experience to improve and refine our systems with every consecutive release.

Meet our Clients

Great to work with

Whether designing a new product or carrying out an implementation project, we do the best we can. Both in references and in private feedback, our Clients appreciate our professionalism, rapport, quality of service, and expert knowledge.

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User first

When designing solutions, we do not lose sight of the user. What is the benefit of a functional system that is unusable? Our UX and UI experts work to ensure that users can navigate systems easily and use even very advanced functions handily.

Meet our Clients

We care

We care about our Clients. Not only do we design and deliver IT systems, but we also inspire, suggest the best solutions, and advise additional business processes that may change the company’s operation. We take a load off entrepreneurs’ mind as regards legal changes, software security or infrastructure maintenance, so they can fully devote themselves to their business.

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Business environment
Legal changes, trends and integrations like clockwork
Each company operates in a specific context and milieu. We are fully aware of this, and we follow tech trends, events, and legal changes so that our systems always conform to the law, technological progress, and modern forms of doing business.
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Business environment

Changes to legislation

Frequent amendments to the law

Regulative law concerning economic operators in Poland changes frequently. The changes affect tax calculation methods or the use of new reporting formats. We are monitoring the legal system for novelties and are keeping a watchful eye on the authorities and their proposed projects and amendments so as to ready our systems for changed regulations and to ensure that our Clients’ operations are in accordance with the law.

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Mandatory integrations

Contemporary business overlaps with various areas of life: it exploits many applications from various suppliers; it operates online; it communicates electronically with institutions and uses online banking. Our systems integrate with third-party systems via bespoke interfaces and connectors to facilitate our Clients’ work significantly.


Hand in hand with technology

We work closely with technology firms, such as suppliers of warehouse automation and e-payment platforms or providers of e-signature services. Consequently, we are capable of aligning our designed systems with high-tech reality.



Global trends and developments require specific measures and responses. We keep track of them and incorporate into our solutions, so that our Clients can rely on modern enterprise software.

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Changes to legislation
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